How the Royal EZ made a difference in an Ontario assisted living facility

You’ve seen us talking about the benefits of the Royal EZ, one of the innovative assisted living products we offer at ComforTek. Sometimes, however, it helps to have someone in your shoes speak to how it has affected them.

Marc Conto is the purchasing coordinator for CassellHolme, a northern Ontario eldercare facility with 6 resident-occupied areas, for a total of 240 residents. Here is his feedback on the Royal EZ:

Back in the spring of 2013, one of our major concerns with the seating of some residents in the dining rooms was eliminating the risk of injury to staff. I contacted ComforTek, and they provided us with a sample chair—the Titan chair with the Royal EZ—for a week so our staff could try it out. Clinical staff tried out the chair and were pleased with how easy it was to move a seated resident to and away from the tables. Housekeeping staff were pleased with how easy it is to clean. We ordered 30 of the Titan chairs with the Royal EZ in September 2013 and ordered another 8 in August 2014.

Contact us today to discuss how the Titan Royal EZ—or any of our innovative assisted living products—can help your caregivers.